January 21, 2008

Legalization of gamble in Thailand

A gamble is come from other country. In other country have many country agree a gamble is right in law. In Thailand is not agreed a gamble because Thai is the Buddha country. The Buddha not permit to plays a gamble, it is wrong the five commandments of the Buddha. Then Thai is writes this in a law.

But In Thailand has many people plays a gamble about 100 years ago. Play a gamble before Thai has a law. E.g. at 100 years ago other people like to play a fighting cock. Then in the present, Thailand have a law and other people like to plays a gamble but they are plays with hide a policemen. In addition, I don’t know why some a gamble is legalization. E.g. Thai-boxing and horse racing have a gamble and they are legalization. But why a casino and a underground lottery cannot do that.

Before a present government is permit some of a gamble. It is a underground lottery. They are help people from a underground lottery. They used benefit from a underground lottery to give scholarship with pool student, a OTOP, etc. They are going to permit a casino. But no people like this a idea because Thailand is a Buddha country. In addition, some of people like to going to Laos, EU, USA because other country is permits a gamble and it has a casino. Then Thai government will lost this money because them are not permit a gamble. In addition, a lost money is very must money. In a lost money can use to developed my country and they are must way to used it.

In my opinion, I’m think it should permit a gamble in Thailand because
If they not permit a gamble, other Thai people will play at other country.
They have many a way to used profit from a gamble. E.g.
2.1 They are helps a people that them want some money to use in your business.
2.2 They are helped a pool student that need a scholarship to study.
2.3 They are use this money to developed the countryside because some of a province could not light or the water supply and some a province not has a road.
2.4 They are used this money for a OTOP that is a easy way to developed my country.

My conclusion, I think a gamble is more benefit to my country and I’m permit a gamble. I don’t know why some person don’t need a gamble in Thailand but if we have a gamble and manage it, Thailand will give more a good thing than a bad. E.g. -if you wants to play a casino, you will over 18 year old and I will check your statement. We permit a rich person to play a casino because if they are lost they will not have a problem. But a pool person cannot play a casino because they not more money to eat and if they use that money in a casino and them lost your money, it not good. In my mind my country should permit a gamble for get a profit money from rich person and give or borrow some pool person or use this money to developed my country

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